Vancouver is the barometer of copper innovation #1

Copper 2019 is the 10thedition of the global Professional copper metallurgy meeting, and the first in North America since 2007. COM 2019 is the Annual Conference of Metallurgists and is the premier event in Canada for the metallurgy and materials community.

Conference topics will include:

  • Cu-Downstream Fabrication and Applications
  • Cu-Electrowinning and Electrorefining
  • Cu-Health and Safety in Operations
  • Cu-Hydrometallurgy
  • Cu-Mineral Processing
  • Cu-Process Control, Optimization, and Instrumentation
  • Cu-Pyrometallurgy (The Phillip Mackey Symposium)
  • Cu-Sustainability and Waste Management
  • COM 2019-2nd China-Canada Non-Ferrous Metallurgy.


COM + Copper 2019 takes place from 18-21 August 2019 in Vancouver Convention Center. Surveys show that 75% of attendees are directly from the Metallurgy and Materials industry sector. Copper 2019 expects over 1,000 delegates from over 25 countries. Demographically participants are primarily company executives, senior metallurgists, professional engineers, researchers and members of academia.

COM + Copper 2019